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    Services or Offerings?
    Please be patient with the Human Resource team as our response time will be longer than normal.

    This is a place to report any benefit questions.
    When using TDX, please do NOT include confidential or sensitive personal information in your ticket request.

    Please be patient with the Human Resource team as our response time will be longer than normal.

    When using TDX, please do NOT include confidential or sensitive personal information in your ticket request.

    Please be patient with the Human Resource team as our response time will be longer than normal.

    This is the place to ask questions about Oracle's My Team.
    When using TDX, please do NOT include confidential or sensitive personal information in your ticket request.

    Please be patient with the Human Resource team as our response time will be longer than normal.

    This is the place to report student employment questions.
    If you have a question about Student Work Awards, Student Time Entry or the Student Tuition Deduction, please log your ticket with Payroll.
    When using TDX, please do NOT include confidential or sensitive personal information in your ticket request.