You can restore files that CrashPlan has backed up to the cloud.
- Open CrashPlan (from the icon near your clock or from the application in your list of installed applications)
- If prompted, log in using your full Carleton email address - this will open a browser window with the regular Carleton login screen
- Click the button that says Restore Files
- If you have multiple computers in CrashPlan, select the name of the computer you're going to restore files from
- Select the date (default is As Of Today) and the folders/files you wish to restore (clicking into a folder will open its subfolders)
- Click the button that says Restore Files
- Select where to download the selected files to, what to do if the file already exists there, and what permissions to grant
- Click Go
The download process will begin. This process may take hours or days depending on the size of the download you requested.