Poll Everywhere can be integrated into your Google Sides presentations so that you do not need to leave your presentation to conduct a poll. You will need to use either Chrome or Microsoft Edge for the Google Slides functionality. In order to do so, please follow the following links for more information on how to install Poll Everywhere, and for how to use the Poll Everywhere extension for Google Slides:
Installing Poll Everywhere for Google Slides in Chrome
Installing Poll Everywhere for Google Slides in Edge
Presenting with Poll Everywhere for Google Slides
Inserting activities with Poll Everywhere for Google Slides
There are a few important notes to call out after you have installed the extension, and to know how to insert and present activities in Google Slides.
You can only activate and present activities in Slideshow mode or Presenter view.
You need to be logged in to both your Poll Everywhere extension in Google Slides (see image 1), as well as logged into your Chrome/Edge browser (see image 2).
If you are using your personal device, chances are, this is always the case.
Image 1: Poll Everywhere extension, and log in/out

Image 2:

- If you are using someone else’s computer, or an instructor podium, you will still need to log into everything as above. However, if you do not have ‘Sync’ turned on in your browser profile, your Poll Everywhere browser extension will not follow you to a new device, and therefore not work. So if you think you are logged into everything properly and it is not working, having sync turned off is more than likely the culprit. You can do one of two things to quickly get started back up:
Turn on ‘Sync’. You may need to restart your browser.
Syncing Google Chrome
Syncing Microsoft Edge, or
When you log into Poll Everywhere on your new device, click on 'Apps' on the Home screen, then find your extension (Google Slides for Chrome or Edge), and do a new install of the extension.
This is the same process you did when you first installed the Poll Everywhere Chrome extension on your personal device.
This works best if you do not feel comfortable syncing your account to unknown devices, and it only takes an additional two minutes of your time.
What about sharing a Google Slides presentation?
Most of the time, you will be using your personal device in which you are already logged into your services, and this is not an issue. It can become more tricky if you are sharing a presentation, and you are creating and presenting with multiple accounts. When sharing and presenting in which Poll Everywhere will be used in Google Slides, the two easiest options are:
- One person uses their personal device to present from, logging into their Google and Chrome account, and their Poll Everywhere account. This should also be the person whose Poll Everywhere account has the activities.
- This would be the easiest as the personal device owner is more than likely already logged into all of these services, and therefore will probably only need to connect their personal device to the projector. See point three above if you are not using your own personal device.
- If you already made your Poll Everywhere activities, you can send a copy of your Poll Everywhere activities to the person who will be logging in and presenting in Google Slides (This only works for presenters on the same account (i.e. Carleton).
- If you may be doing multiple presentations in different locations with different personal devices, create a Team (to set up a team, contact Don Vosburg, dvosburg), and share activities within the Team folder. Anyone added to the team, will be able to insert those activities and present them independently, even simultaneously.
- In this setup, each person can insert the co-created and shared activities in their own Google Slide deck, and present with their own log on.
If you have any questions about the information above, submit a Moodle Support ticket.