Troubleshooting: Office error saying your product is unlicensed


Carleton's Windows computers check for licensing information periodically. If something goes wrong with that periodic check, you may see an error telling you that your Office products are "unlicensed" and most of the features may be unusable.

NOTE: At this time, these instructions work Microsoft Office applications that were installed by ITS or via K1000 download. They do not work for Office applications that were installed via download from Office 365. If you downloaded your Office applications from Office 365, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at or 507-222-5999

To re-license your Microsoft Office products:

  1. If you are off campus, connect to the GlobalProtect VPN (link opens in a new window)
  2. Go to (link opens in a new window)
  3. Log in with your regular Carleton username and password
  4. Click on the Want Software button
  5. Search for Office
  6. Select either Windows: Set Office 2019 KMS Server and Activate or Windows: Set Office 2021 KMS Server and Activate depending on the version of Office you were using
  7. At the bottom of the Downloads information page, click Install

This will tell your computer where to look for your Microsoft Office License and you should be able to use your Office programs as usual.

Need Help?

Please contact the ITS Helpdesk for assistance: or 507-222-5999

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