Managing Moodle Content with Mass Actions


The Mass Actions block in Moodle allows for the bulk selection and deletion of content. This block can also be used to easily move multiple activities from one section in the course to another section of the page.


What can I use this block for?

The Mass Action block is the most convenient way to bulk-select content on the Moodle page in order to delete it or move it to a separate section. The sections are determined by how the page is organized - for example, in the case of the tiles format, the sections are the separate tiles of the page, for collapsed topics it would be individual collapsed topics, etc.

Adding the Mass Actions Block

To add the Mass Actions block, click on the switch on the top right to turn on Edit mode.

On the right side of the screen, beneath the Edit mode switch, click on the gray tab to Open block drawer.

All of your current block will appear in the panel - click on the Add a block to select a new block.

Scroll down the screen and click on the Mass Actions block

The Mass Actions block will appear on the right panel of the screen.

Using the Mass Actions Block

Once adding the Mass Actions block, there are some new check boxes that will appear on the Moodle page. For any boxes that are checked - this content can be changed, moved, or altered by the Mass Actions block.

There are a variety of functions that you can do with the Mass Actions block.

Some notable functions on the block are:

  • Select all/Deselect - select or deselect all the labels, activities, and content on the Moodle page
  • Select all in section dropdown - selecting a section in this dropdown will select only the content for that section
  • Move to section dropdown - any selected content can be bulk moved to a new section

Bulk Deleting Content

To bulk delete content from a Moodle page, check the boxes for the materials that need to be removed and click Delete in the Mass Actions block.

A window will open to confirm all the materials to delete. Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the content.