Creating a new Hypothesis account


Creating an account with Hypothesis


Hypothesis is a social annotation tool that allows for collaborative commenting on a web page or pdf. In order to use the free online software, you must first register for a free account. To do so, complete the following steps:

  • Navigate to and click on Log in upper right corner.
  • Click on Sign up at the bottom of the window.
  • Enter a Username - this can be just your St. Olaf username, but not your email, as only underscores and periods are allowed.
  • Enter your Email and a Password and check the box to agree to the terms and click Sign up.
  • You will receive a notice that your registration was successful, and that you will be receiving an email with a link to follow to confirm your registration.



Article ID: 137709
Fri 9/10/21 5:43 PM
Mon 5/15/23 5:41 PM