VPN Connection - MacOS and iOS


How to setup and connect to the St. Olaf VPN on a MacOS or iOS device.


St. Olaf IT maintains a virtual private network (VPN) for use by college faculty, staff and students. A VPN allows computers off campus (e.g. at your home) to securely connect to the St. Olaf network and function as if it was on campus. It allows access to server files and applications that are restricted to on campus users. Please note that library resources do not require VPN.

We encourage you to consult local laws before using the St. Olaf VPN when outside the US.


FOR IOS DEVICES, including iPhone and iPad, scroll down for instructions or click HERE


How to Setup the VPN on a MacOS computer

  1. Visit https://pan.stolaf.edu. If prompted, log in to Google with your St. Olaf account.
  2. Select Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent:

  3. Open the downloaded file to launch the installer.
    Select Continue:

  4. On the "Installation Type" option, make sure both "GlobalProtect" and "GlobalProtect System extensions" check boxes are selected and click Continue

  5. Enter your credentials when prompted, then select Install
    Note: For a St. Olaf owned machine, this will be your St Olaf username and password.
    For a personal machine, this will be your computer's username and password.

  6. Allow VPN software in System Preferences. You may or may not see this pop-up, but either way, please visit System Preferences. 

    1. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General. Click the lock to make changes: 

    2. Select Allow to allow the VPN software GlobalProtect to install: 

      If you don't see the Allow option above, either your computer did not block the software, or you need to reinstall again. Go ahead and proceed to Step #7. If you are able to Connect, great, all is working!
      If you get a spinning beachball and a window doesn't prompt you to log into Google, please reinstall the software (Step #3) - making sure to Allow the software in System Preferences (Step #6). 
  7. The VPN (GlobalProtect) will pop-up in the upper right-hand corner of your screen (might take a minute). If it doesn't appear, click the globe icon. 
    For the Portal Address field, enter pan.stolaf.edu, then select Connect

  8. When prompted to log into Google, enter your St. Olaf email and password. Complete your 2-step verification also. 
  9. You will see this when you are connected successfully:


How to Setup the VPN on an iPad, iPhone and iOS device

Installing the VPN App

If you are using a St. Olaf iPad, the app is already installed. Please skip to the next section below "Connecting to the VPN". 

Visit the Mac App Store to download and install the app by visiting this link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/globalprotect/id1400555706

If the link doesn't work, open the App Store directly and search for GlobalProtect(TM) by Palo Alto Networks


Connecting to the VPN

  1. Open the GlobalProtect app.
  2. Type pan.stolaf.edu when prompted with "What's your portal address?" 
  3. You will be prompted to add a VPN Configuration. Select Yes/Allow.
  4. Next, when promted, log in to Google with your St. Olaf account.

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