Showing Totals in Moodle Gradebook


Changing Moodle's course grade settings to show totals for categories that contain hidden items.


If your course gradebook contains some hidden activities or grade items, it can cause the totals for their respective categories and the overall course grade to be hidden from students. In order to have course and category totals display when some items are hidden, a gradebook setting must be altered so that these totals are visible to students. 

To change this setting, begin by choosing Grades from the Moodle left side menu.

Screen capture of Moodle page with arrow highlighting Grades menu item on left side

Once on the Grader report page, click on the drop-down menu at the top-center of the page (with the text Grader report) and select Course gradebook settings.

Screen capture of Moodle gradebook page, with arrow highlighting drop-down menu at the top center of the page and another arrow pointing to the Course grade settings item

On the Course grade settings page, scroll down to the bottom to the last item, Hide totals if they contain hidden items. Expand the drop-down menu to display the options. Most teachers will want to choose Show totals excluding hidden items, which will calculate grades, ignoring those items which they have chosen to hide. If you wish to calculate totals including items that have grades, but you have chosen to keep hidden, then select Show totals including hidden items. Save changes, and now totals should be visible for your students in the User report.

Screen capture of Moodle gradebook Course grade settings page with arrow highlighting drop-down menu showing hidden totals options