Activating a Zoom account for an Alias


How to activate a Zoom pro account that is associated with an email alias, and not a personal email address.


For Zoom accounts attached to an email alias and not to a personal account, there is a different method for activating the account, as detailed below.

  • The Zoom activation email should be sent to all who are on the email alias list. Access the email from one of those accounts and click on Activate Your Zoom Account or the link listed below it.

  • On the page that opens, click on Sign up with a Password

Screen capture of Zoom activation page with arrow pointing to Sign up with a Password link

  • On the next page you will be asked to give a first and last name, as well as a password. These names are what will appear when this account is used, so choose something that accurately represents what the alias account will be used for (ie. First: Llama Breeders Club, Last Name: of St.Olaf). 

  • Enter and confirm a password and select Continue.

Screen capture of Zoom activation page with text fields for First Name, Last Name, Password and Confirm Password.

  • Done! You are now logged in and can see the Zoom ID associated with this account and you can begin scheduling meetings. Anyone with the email alias and password information will now be able to log in to this account to schedule, modify and start Zoom meetings. Remind users to always access or the account through the app to use Sign in with a Password, and not Sign in With Google.

Screen capture of Zoom activation page showing completed activation with personal meeting ID and links to access account.



Article ID: 116298
Wed 9/16/20 1:33 PM
Mon 10/5/20 9:44 AM