Unable to Connect Apple Pencil


Troubleshooting connections with Apple Pencil to the iPad.


While using an Apple Pencil with an iPad, the pencil may occasionally drop the sync and you will be unable to write. If you need to re-establish connection with the iPad, here are a few options.

Re-Pair the Apple Pencil

Click on Settings, and scroll down the left panel until you see Bluetooth. Confirm that Bluetooth is switched on.

In the My Devices list, tap on the option for Apple Pencil and select Forget this Device.

Connect your Apple Pencil to the bottom of the iPad, and a window will appear asking to Pair the pencil. Select Pair.

Pair Menu Doesn't Appear

If the pair menu does not appear, it's possible that the Privacy settings need to be reset. This will not impact any of the content stored on the iPad - it will refresh the access settings that allow other equipment or apps to connect to the iPad itself.

Go back to the main Settings menu, click on General

Scroll down the menu to Reset, then select Reset Location & Privacy.

Return to the Bluetooth menu and try to re-connect the pencil.

Other troubleshooting tips

There could be any number of other reasons why the Apple Pencil may not connect:

  • iPad needs to be updated - if software not updated regularly, the connection to Bluetooth devices in general will sometimes drop. Run an update of the software on the iPad by clicking on Settings, then General, and select Software Update. Make sure to plug in the device before downloading the update.
  • Pencil tip is loose - If the pencil tip is loose, this will interrupt the pencil's ability to write on the surface.
  • Restart the iPad - if an update was installed, it may need a restart to refresh the device.
  • Charge the pencil with the adaptor - the pencil will get some charge form the device, but will still need to be plugged into the charge cord on occasion. Attach the adapter to the power cord and charge the pencil. It may only need 15-20 minutes to completely charge.

Can IT give me a new Apple Pencil?

Please submit a ticket to IT Helpdesk for questions on equipment.