Google Groups - mailing lists at St. Olaf


Information about mailings lists used at St. Olaf.


St. Olaf College hosts several Google Groups (including stolaf-faculty, stolaf-staff, and stolaf-students) that enable members of the campus community to share information related to College business with colleagues and peers. The College also hosts an additional Google Group (stolaf-extra) that enables campus community members to buy and sell items and seek business recommendations.

To ensure that these campus-wide Google Groups are not misused, the College prohibits emails that are profane, threatening, libelous, unlawfully harassing or discriminatory, or otherwise a violation of law or College policy. Contributors to St. Olaf Google Groups must interact respectfully toward one another. Discrimination or harassment of any type will not be tolerated. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to, offensive comments; deliberate intimidation, stalking, or unwanted attention; inappropriate contact; harassing, derogatory, or demeaning conduct; or other behavior that demonstrates a lack of respect for another individual.

The College reserves the right to remove any individuals access to these Google Groups if it is deemed that they have sent messages that are harmful in nature or otherwise in violation of law or College policy. In addition, the College may filter out spam or any other obvious advertising content.

A Google Group AKA email mailing list or alias will allow you to send a message to a number of recipients using only a single e-mail address. For example, if you address a message to, it will be received by every member of the Google group. Some groups are automatically generated from administrative data; others are created and maintained by individual users. 

  1. General - see information below
  2. User-created - visit this link for more information
  3. For the following mailing lists, please visit this link for more information:
    1. Student
    2. Course
    3. Academic Program
    4. Classroom
    5. Ensemble
    6. Residence Hall

General Mailing Lists


The stolaf-extra Google Group provides a space for campus community members to share campus and local event announcements; personal items for sale (no commercial ventures); requests for items, services, and recommendations; course advertising; and campus office announcements. St. Olaf faculty, staff, and students may opt in to stolaf-extra. Each subscriber must abide by the stolaf-extra Terms of Use. "Reply-all" messages, transportation requests, surveys, and roommate requests will not be allowed on stolaf-extra. 

To conserve the college’s limited Google Storage space, stolaf-extra email messages older than one year will be automatically deleted from users accounts. This includes both messages you receive from or send to stolaf-extra. Past postings will be archived within the Google Group history.

Subscribing: To subscribe to the stolaf-extra mailing list, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Select the Join Group button at the top:


Unsubscribing: To unsubscribe from the stolaf-extra mailing list, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. From the left-side menu, select My Membership Settings, then select the Leave Group button at the top:


stolaf-faculty & stolaf-staff

The stolaf-faculty and stolaf-staff Google Groups should only be used to share information about official college business. College business includes information about meetings, committees, programs, academic initiatives, benefits and employment information, safety and wellbeing, and other activities that help advance the mission of the college. "Reply-all" messages should be used sparingly, and only when it's important to share information with every member of the entire Google Group. All current faculty are included on the stolaf-faculty Google Group, and all current staff are included on the stolaf-staff Google Group.


This list will reach all St. Olaf retired faculty and staff and should be used for college business only. Messages not dealing with college business should be directed to stolaf-extra. If you are a retired St. Olaf faculty or staff member, you may request to be added to (or removed from) stolaf-retirees by emailing


This list is used for Chapel Schedule announcements. If a St. Olaf user does not want to receive these messages, please setup an email filter. For how-to instructions, please visit If you need assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk (x3830) or fill out this form.    

For non-St. Olaf users: to be added or removed from "chapelschedule" please contact


This list provides a space for St. Olaf students to request and offer transportation using personal vehicles. The alias is to be used for transportation communication only. St. Olaf students may opt in to ineedaride. Each subscriber must abide by the ineedaride Terms of Use. "Reply-all" messages will not be allowed on ineedaride. To opt-in to this group, please visit



Article ID: 113796
Thu 8/13/20 3:18 PM
Tue 7/30/24 3:05 PM

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Learn how to create, set up, manage, and join Google groups. Groups are also known as mailing lists or an email alias.