Network File Storage - Connecting with MacOS


Instructions on how to connect to the network file storage with MacOS.


If you are off-campus, you will need to be connected to the VPN (see the Related Articles section on this page if you need to setup your VPN.) We encourage you to consult local laws before using the St. Olaf VPN when outside the US.

St. Olaf Computers

Connect the network file storage (drives) by opening the Double Click for Stofiles application (found on your desktop, in your list of Applications, or search your computer):

Personal Computers

  1. In the Finder, click the Go menu and select Connect to Server. . .

  2. Enter one of the following:
      - For applications and installers, enter:    smb://
      - For shared folders, enter:    smb://

    Optional: to add any of the above to the “Favorite Servers:” list, click the button with the plus sign. In the future, when connecting, you can select the server in the Favorite Servers list and click Connect.
  3. Select Connect. 
  4. Type in your username and password and click Connect: 

  5. The server volume will appear (as an icon) on your desktop.



Article ID: 111031
Mon 6/29/20 4:36 PM
Fri 11/11/22 3:12 PM

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