Adding Labels to Moodle


Create labels in Moodle to add text, media, and organize content.


Labels are for more than text - they can also be used to add images, embed videos, and even links. They organize content within topics, as well as improve the overall appearance of the site. 

For additional information, visit the documentation for Labels on the Moodle site.

How do I add labels?

Navigate to your Moodle site and click on the Edit mode switch on the top right corner of the page.

Scroll down to the course section you would like to add the assignment activity. Select Add an activity or resource.

Click on the Resources tab and select Text and media area.

Add content to the text box in the General section. Use the toolbar to change font, text placement, formatting, or add hyperlinks.

In order to see additional options, click on the arrow on the top left of the toolbar.

Commonly Used Label/Text Tools

HTML and Embedding Content

Embedding content is a good option for adding videos and other media to Moodle. The benefit of embedding content versus uploading a direct file is that it saves space and also makes it easier to migrate content from one course to another.

On the toolbar, click on the HTML button.

Copy and paste embed code from YouTube, Google, or other applications in the text box.

After adding the code, click the HTML button again. The video will appear in the field.

Any media that has a share or embed feature (Ex. YouTube) can be added. If you are not sure how embed media, contact the Moodle Team to ask for help with embedding media.

Text Color

To add color to text - click on the arrow on the top left of the box to expand the tools. The text color icon will appear in the menu.

Why are there limited options for color?

The color options available in Moodle have contrast and color schemes assigned to follow accessibility guidelines. While there may be a way to override the options, other color schemes may decrease a user's ability to interact with the content on the Moodle page.


If you are creating Panopto videos, you can embed these directly in a label by clicking on the Panopto icon. This function is available if the Moodle course is connected to a Panopto folder.

I have additional questions - how do I get help?

For additional questions on Moodle labels, contact the Moodle team.