_Moodle 4.2 for AY 2023-2024


Moodle's upgrade to version 4.2 for the 2023-2024 Academic Year occurs Thursday, November 30, 2023. This new version has a couple changes highlighted below.

New Appearance

Theme Name Change

All new courses are now in LearnR theme (previously known as Fordson) by default. Course navigation is now in tab form, making it easy to access settings, grades, reports and more.

Screenshot of Moodle 4.2 navigation. The tabs shown are: Course, Settings, Participants, Grades, Reports and More.

Looking for other themes? You can always change the theme and layout of your course to suit your preferences.


Gradebook Navigation Changes

A new drop down menu with indentation is made to visualize hierarchy and makes it easier to set up and view the Gradebook.

Screenshot of the Moodle 4.2 Gradebook.


Updated Activity and Resource Icons

Some activity and resource icons have changed to Moodle's new standard set of image icons. However, activity names (i.e. assignment, quiz, file) and external activity icons (Panopto, Language Lesson, hypothes.is) have remained the same. 

To find an activity, use the top search bar and type the name of the activity you are looking for. Additionally, you can customize your activity chooser by starring () the activities and resources you use most often. Then, a Starred tab will appear on the left.

Screenshot of the Activity and Resource chooser in Moodle 4.2


Default Dashboard

Courses with no Course image will be defaulted to an aerial view of campus. We highly recommend adding an image to your course so it is more easily identifiable.

To add a course image:

  1. Enter into the course
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Scroll down to Course image 
  4. Within the Course image box, click and drag an image or click within the box find an image in your computer
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display



Stationary Edit mode

The way to turn editing off and on in Moodle has become more streamlined with an Edit Mode rocker switch that always resides on the top-right corner of the screen (no matter which theme or page is selected within a course!)


Edit in Bulk

 In Moodle 4.2, activities within a course can now be moved, shown/hidden, deleted, and duplicated in bulk.

screenshot of a Moodle course page with Bulk Editing turned on


Course And Gradebook Visibility in Settings

All course sites start off hidden from students, indicated by gray text on the course title. This gives instructors an opportunity to work on their course before students have access to it.

To change the visibility of your course, go to the Settings tab > choose Hide or Show in the Course visibility dropdown > scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display.

screenshot of a course settings page in Moodle with a red box around the course visibility option.

To change the visibility of your gradebook, go to the Settings tab > choose Yes or No in the Course visibility drop down > scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and display.

screenshot of a course settings page in Moodle with a red box around the gradebook visibility option.


Timed Assignments

Instructors can now set a specific amount of time for students to complete their work. Students will see a notification before they start the assignment, which lets them know how long they have to complete it once they begin. As they work on the assignment, a timer is also displayed on screen so they always know how much time they have left.

In the timer on the right hand side, students can see how much time they have left to complete the assignment


Personalize your Moodle Profile

Enhance your Moodle profile by adding a profile picture, phonetic spelling of your name, and personal pronouns by clicking on your user menu (top-right corner of the screen) > choose Preferences > click Edit Profile > scroll down and click the Update Profile button.

Profile Picture

screenshot of the profile settings page in Moodle

Personal Pronouns

screenshot of the profile settings page in Moodle


Phonetic Spelling

screenshot of the profile settings page in Moodle


Additional Updates

  • Mass Messaging is now available within Assignments.
  • Add activities between existing activities
  • When setting site language to en_us, references to ‘marking’ are changed to ‘grading’.


If you have any questions about the information above, submit a Moodle Support ticket


Created by Em Palencia 11/29/2023

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Article ID: 155781
Wed 11/29/23 6:29 PM
Thu 11/30/23 9:13 AM